1962-63 Basketball

We started as Freshmen
We became Sophomores
Now we're Juniors, one year to go, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Senior Class, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Class Specials
1962-63 Faculty
Henderson City High School Principals
1962-63 Football
1962-63 Basketball
1962-63 Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Track Seniors
1962-63 Cheerleaders & Majorettes
Missing classmates, where are they now?
The Memorial Room
Class of 1963 Reunions
Class Reunions Dates
Henderson Elementary Schools, 1951-57
Barret Junior High School-1957-58 & 1958-59
Barret-City High Registration-1940-1963
all e-mail addresses: 1955-1962, 1964-1975
Class of 1963 e-mail list & classmates Contact details
Class of 1963 contact information
Jerry Parrish-defector to North Korea
Links to other sites

(photos courtesy of Jean Bullard Brodsky, HHS-1963)


     Bottom Row: Bill Denton, Daryl Hallmark, Mike Ward, Michael Jackson, Steve Hatchett
     Top Row: Wayne Barret, David Willingham, Barry Denton, Ronnie Rippetoe, Eddie Nicholson, Les Hall, Marvin Miles

Ronnie Rippetoe was named as the elite Mr. Basketball in Tennesse for the 1964 basketball season after his family moved to Nashville, TN. Ronnie was drafted in the NBA as a 2nd round pick by the New York Knicks. Ronnie was named to the Tennessee all-state first team, and received Scholastic Magazine's honor as a fourth-team High School All-American.


Chester Montgomery-1963


Ken Geralds 1963


Assistant/Acting Head Coach Bill Womack-1963

Mike Ward:
Basketball, All City, 1961, 1962, 1963
Basketball, All District, 1962, 1963
Basketball, All Regional, 1962, 1963
Basketball, All-State Honorable Mention 
Basketball, WKC MVP
Basketball, WKC all-star-1st team
Baseball, All City, All District, All Regional
Baseball, All City, 1961, 1962, 1963
Baseball, All District, 1961, 1962, 1963
Baseball, All Regional, 1961, 1962, 1963
Baseball, All-State 1st team

1962-63 Henderson City High School Basketball Seniors


Wayne Barrett                      Barry Denton                   Bill Denton                 Leslie Hall  


    Steve Hatchett              Marvin Miles                       Eddie Nicholson                Mike Ward

Thanks to the contributors listed below for their help with this web-site.
Jean Bullard (Brodsky) (HHS '63)
Bobby Hall (HHS '63) 
Gael Overby (Rush)  (HHS '63)
Dallas Reigle (HHS '63)
Lex Riggs  (left HHS '61)  (CCHS '63)

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Henderson City High School, Class of 1963: Henderson, KY

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Best quote in 1963 senior yearbook, the Revue.
from Jerry Utley:

"A little learning is a dangerous thing. Jerry is being extremely careful to avoid danger".

Please note that all photographs were sent in from various classmates of Henderson City High School. The ones that were too damaged were deleted and not used on the web-site. The other photographs have all been edited, corrected & cleaned up as well as they possibly could be. If you are displeased with a photo, simply, scan the photo that you want replaced, send the e-mail to me with the photo attached and I will replace it. Please send all photos in .jpeg format. There are still some photos that need replacing. Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your support,
Lex Riggs, web-master

Henderson City High School
Class of 1963