The Memorial Room

We started as Freshmen
We became Sophomores
Now we're Juniors, one year to go, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Senior Class, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Class Specials
1962-63 Faculty
Henderson City High School Principals
1962-63 Football
1962-63 Basketball
1962-63 Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Track Seniors
1962-63 Cheerleaders & Majorettes
Missing classmates, where are they now?
The Memorial Room
Class of 1963 Reunions
Class Reunions Dates
Henderson Elementary Schools, 1951-57
Barret Junior High School-1957-58 & 1958-59
Barret-City High Registration-1940-1963
all e-mail addresses: 1955-1962, 1964-1975
Class of 1963 e-mail list & classmates Contact details
Class of 1963 contact information
Jerry Parrish-defector to North Korea
Links to other sites

Gone But Not Forgotten

The Memorial Room

Gone but not forgotten, classmates of Henderson City High 1963 
Called to Our Faather's Heavenly Gates:
26 Number of deceased classmates from 1963 class: Deceased Classmates that 
graduated from City High: 21
Carolyn Brooks                                                    1945-2005
Eddie Buchanan                                                    1945-1998
Vivian Bullard (Morse)                                         1944-1986
Roberta Denton (O'Nan)                                      1945-2009
Jerry Dixon                                                           1945-2009
Bill Drury                                                              1945-1996 
Kenneth Duncan                                                   1945-1965  
Julie Farmer                                                         1945-2005
George Flahardy                                                  1945-2007  
Mike Furlong                                                       1945-1986
Steve Hurd                                                           1945-2011
Ann Hurt (Sample)                                               1945-2007
John McBride                                                      1945-2009  
Arthur Morton                                                     1945-2005
Dallas Reigle                                                        1945-2007
James Richmond                                                  1945-2008
Joyce Stinson                                                        1945-2009
Jerry Utley                                                            1943-2010
Mike Ward                                                           1945-2008
Dorothy Wells                                                      1945-2005
Lonnie Wilke                                                        1945-2009
Kenny Wilkerson                                                  1944-2011 
Deceased Classmates that entered HHS,
but did not graduate from City High: 6
"Doonie" Dolin                                                    1943-2010
Bill Katterjohn                                                     1945-2005
Sue Skaggs                                                           1945-1961
Shirley Wilson                                                      1945-2010
*Jerry Parrish                                                     1944-1996
(U. S. Army Sgt. defected to North Korea On Dec. 6, 1963, died from kidney failure in North Korea in 1995).
Melba Todd                                                           1944-1982
Gary Hutchinson                                                   1944-1974
Jefferson teachers:  
5th grade teacher:
Henrietta Jacobshagen                                      1906-2010

If there are any names that need to be added or
corrections for names and dates that I have
omitted or are in error please send me an
e-mail with correct information.
Lex Riggs

Thanks to the contributors listed below for their help with this web-site.
Jean Bullard (Brodsky) (HHS '63)
Bobby Hall (HHS '63) 
Gael Overby (Rush)  (HHS '63)
Dallas Reigle (HHS '63)
Lex Riggs  (left HHS '61)  (CCHS '63)

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All photographs used are public-domain,

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All photos have been cropped, resized, touched-up & edited.

Henderson City High School, Class of 1963: Henderson, KY

Return to Henderson City High Web-site

Best quote in 1963 senior yearbook, the Revue.
from Jerry Utley:

"A little learning is a dangerous thing. Jerry is being extremely careful to avoid danger".

Please note that all photographs were sent in from various classmates of Henderson City High School. The ones that were too damaged were deleted and not used on the web-site. The other photographs have all been edited, corrected & cleaned up as well as they possibly could be. If you are displeased with a photo, simply, scan the photo that you want replaced, send the e-mail to me with the photo attached and I will replace it. Please send all photos in .jpeg format. There are still some photos that need replacing. Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your support,
Lex Riggs, web-master

Henderson City High School
Class of 1963