Missing classmates, where are they now?

We started as Freshmen
We became Sophomores
Now we're Juniors, one year to go, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Senior Class, With custom Framed-Photos
1963 Class Specials
1962-63 Faculty
Henderson City High School Principals
1962-63 Football
1962-63 Basketball
1962-63 Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Track Seniors
1962-63 Cheerleaders & Majorettes
Missing classmates, where are they now?
The Memorial Room
Class of 1963 Reunions
Class Reunions Dates
Henderson Elementary Schools, 1951-57
Barret Junior High School-1957-58 & 1958-59
Barret-City High Registration-1940-1963
all e-mail addresses: 1955-1962, 1964-1975
Class of 1963 e-mail list & classmates Contact details
Class of 1963 contact information
Jerry Parrish-defector to North Korea
Links to other sites

Missing Students from all 4 years, 1959-60, 1960-61, 1961-62 & 1962-63

TOTAL MISSING in three years:
74 total : 57 unaccounted for, 17 accounted for      
added 6 classmates in junior/senior years:
Missing classmates from 1960, 1961, 1962 yearbooks:
Lost from the Freshman Class of 1959-60
all names listed below
: 27
Wanda Bellew, Janice Epley, Linda Gee, Sue Hunt, Bobby Lancaster, Diane  Laue, Robert McDaniels, Jean McHatten, Charles Nesmith, Jean Owens, Donnie Page, Naomi Penrod, Larry Posey, Margie Quinn, Richard Ramirez, Margie Robards, Pat Septer, Clint Slaughter, Charlie Smith, Wanda Thomas, Jean Sutton, Patsy Todd, Jimmy Vanover, Linda Watkins, Sammy Wharton, B. Wilson    
Lost from the Sophomore Class of 1960-61
all names listed below:
Frank Bolton, Linda Joyce Duncan, Paulette Hatchett, "Billie Jo" Jones, Pat Lewis, Eddie Morgan, Diane Scott, Billy Tucker,
Lost from the Junior Class of 1961-62:  5
George Brown, Mary Ruth Brown, Wesley Creamer, Tommy Dunlap 
Missing , both years at City High during Freshman & Sophomore years,
all names listed below:
Jimmy Allen, Rita Bradshaw, Mae Corbett, Danny Daughtery, Diane Hale, Faye Loney, Barbara Newman, Patsy Moore, C. Powell, Judy  Price, Gale Strong, Mike Taggart, Wanda Thomas, Marilyn Timberlake,  Lennie White, Winona Whitledge, Diane Wilkerson,

Found or accounted for17 
Mike Book:               graduated HHS in class of 1964
Danny Brame:            Moved to Madisonville after freshman year.
Eddie Cook:              graduated HHS in class of 1964
Dooney Dolin:           Entered USAF, 1961, Deceased: June, 2010 
Steve Goldsberry:     graduated HHS in class of 1964
Becky Hazlewood:    graduated from HCHS
Jimmy Hubbard:        graduated HHS in class of 1964
Bill Katterjohn:          graduated from  HCHS
Nancy Klein:             Moved to Evansville, Ind. during Senior year 
Jo Ann Luttrell:         Married prior to graduation.
Paticia Oldham:        graduated from  HCHS
Donna Page:             Married prior to graduation.
-Jerry Parrish:        (Morganfield High, Morganfield, KY) 
Marjenia Redding:    graduated HHS in class of 1964 
Lex Riggs:                graduated from Chicago Calumet High
Linda Todd
              graduated from HCHS 
Carol Wade:            graduated from HCHS
Kenny Wilkerson     Dropped out fall, 1962 
Shirley Wilson:         graduated from  HCHS   
£- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Wayne_Parrish

Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors that did not graduate from City High School

1959-60 Freshmen that did not graduate from Henderson City High School

Wanda Bellew, Danny Brame, Dooney Dolin, Janice Epley, Linda Gee, Sue Hunt, Bill Katterjohn, Bobby Lancaster, Diane Laue, Robert McDaniels, Joyce McHatten, Charlie Nesmith, Pat Oldham, Joyce Owens, Donnie Page, Naomi Penrod, Larry Posey, Margie Quinn, Richard Rameriz, Margie Redding, Margie Robards, Pat Septer, Clint Slaughter, Charlie Smith, Jean Sutton, Pat Todd, Jimmy Vanover, Linda Watkins, Sammy Wharton, B. Wilson, Shirley Wilson


1960-61 Sophomores that did not graduate Henderson City High School

James Allen, Frank Bolton, Mike Book, Rita Bradshaw, Steve Brown, Eddie Cook, Danny Daughtery, Linda Duncan, Linda Duncan, Tommy Dunlap, Pam Hatchett, Jimmy Hubbard, Brenda Jones, Jo Anne Luttrell, Eddie Morgan, Jerry Parrish, Charles Powell, Judy Price, Patsy Rheinhardt, Lex Riggs, Diane Scott, Mike Taggart, Wanda Thomas, Marilyn Timberlake, Linda Todd, Billy Tucker, Carol Wade, Lenny White,


1961-62 Juniors that did not graduate  Henderson City High School

George Brown Mary Ruth Brown Mae Corbett Wesley Creamer Tommy Dunlap Barbara Green Diane Hale Becky Hazlewood Nancy Klein Patricia Lewis Faye Loney Patsy Moore Barbara Newman Donna Page Mike Phillips Marjenia Redding Sue Skaggs Gale Strong Wynona Whitledge Diane Wilkerson Kenny Wilkerson


What Grammar School did these students attend?  Send me the correct grade school if you know the school they attended.


        Student                          Grade school
Sue Alley                                                 
Wanda Bellew                                         
Mike Book                                              
Carolyn Brooks                                       
George Brown                                         
Jean Brown
Mary Ruth Brown                                     
Barbara Camp                                       
Art Campbell         7th                                
Sue Carroll                                            
Jeanelle Chandler                                   
Eddie Cook                                           
Tony Crawford                                      
Martha Draper         7th                               
Janice Epley                                           
Carl Fambrough                                     
Linda Gee                                              
Jimmy Gish                                             
Linda Gish                                              
Powell Dean Hall                                                
Jimmy Hubbard                                       
Sue Hunt                                                 
Ann Hurt                                                 
Larry Johnston                                         
Diane Laue                                                   
Margaret Levan                                       
Peggy McCully                                        
Robert McDaniels                                           
Charlene McDowell                                 
Jimmie McGrail                                        
Joyce McHatten                                       
Wayne Mitchell                                        
Patsy Moore                                            
Charlie Nesmith                                        
Barbara Newman                                     
Jean Owens                                                   
Mike Phillips                                               
Larry Posey               7th                                  
Margie Quinn                                               
Richard Rameriz                                       
Margie Redding                                        
Margie Robards                                              
Jimmy Sandburg                                        
Pat Septer                                                 
Kaye Stolzy                                                
Linda Stone                                                
Jean Sutton                                                     
Jimmy Sutton                                              
Pat Todd                                                     
Fred Vandiver                                            
Carol Wade                                                 
Dorothy Wells                                            
Lenny White                                               
B. Wilson                                                

If you know of a student that attended any of the elementary schools in Henderson, send me the name and I'll add them to the list. The student should be in the same grade that you were in.

Where are they now?
The 1963 Henderson City High School Seniors

All will be listed, then removed, after we make contact with them. We have contact with 19 to date so far: 
Missing Graduating Seniors:
Sue Alley, Danny Babb,  Wayne Barrett, Barbara Camp, Arthur Campbell, Sue Carroll, Joyce Caton, Jeanelle Chandler, Ben Clark, Kay 'Stolzy' Clark, Gary Cleveland, Steve Cochran, Bobby Crabtree, Tony Crawford, Pat Crowley, Ron Crowley, Sandy Cummings, Barry Denton, Bill Denton, Johanna Dickson, Martha Draper, Sally Anne Duncan, Diann Elliott,  Carl Fambrough, Jimmy Gish, Linda Gish, Bill Griffin, Judy Grisham, Vera Gunn, Leslie Hall, Dean Hall, Steve Hatchett, Frankie Hoggard, Steve Hurd, Terry Jacobs, Lawrence Johnston, Ann Katterjohn, Donna King, George Lackey, Sharon Leech, Margaret Levan, Steve Likens, Tinker Martin, Pam Mathews, Lelia McClure, Peggy McCully, Charlene McDowell, Jimmie McGrail, Bill McLevain, Sue McMullin, Ruth McMurtry, Chuck Mitchell, Wayne Mitchell, Pat Moss, Betty Nicholson, Eddie Nicholson, Bobby Odom, Dottie Orsburn, Jerry Patterson, Gene Powell, Jimmy Priest, Delores Raley, Anita Ruff, Ann 'Hurt' Samples, Jimmy Sandburg, Roy Sigler, Londa Seals, Sandy Slaughter, Linda Stone, Brenda Strouse, Jimmy Sutton, Fred Vandiver, Carolyn Vaughn, Jerry Wallace, Ray Wallace, Fay Wallace, Kenny White, Kenny Williams, Lenny Williams, Judy Woodward, 

Thanks to the contributors listed below for their help with this web-site.
Jean Bullard (Brodsky) (HHS '63)
Bobby Hall (HHS '63) 
Gael Overby (Rush)  (HHS '63)
Dallas Reigle (HHS '63)
Lex Riggs  (left HHS '61)  (CCHS '63)

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Henderson City High School, Class of 1963: Henderson, KY

Return to Henderson City High Web-site

Best quote in 1963 senior yearbook, the Revue.
from Jerry Utley:

"A little learning is a dangerous thing. Jerry is being extremely careful to avoid danger".

Please note that all photographs were sent in from various classmates of Henderson City High School. The ones that were too damaged were deleted and not used on the web-site. The other photographs have all been edited, corrected & cleaned up as well as they possibly could be. If you are displeased with a photo, simply, scan the photo that you want replaced, send the e-mail to me with the photo attached and I will replace it. Please send all photos in .jpeg format. There are still some photos that need replacing. Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your support,
Lex Riggs, web-master

Henderson City High School
Class of 1963