Henderson City High School, 1955 to 1963

Photos of old Henderson Schools

City High Facts
Henderson City High Basketball With Game Scores1955-56
The Game-Henderson All-Stars vs the Harlem Magicians, April 1961
1955 KHSAA State Football Champions & Game Scores
1956 Henderson City High Baseball
1956 Henderson City High Track
Barret Manual and Henderson City High Coaches 1952-1971
Coach Don Shelton-1928- 2011
1955-56 City High Basketball team, Players Profiles
1956 West All-Star Team
Pascal Benson, All-State-Football, Basketball, baseball
Tommy Glover, high school All-American
1959 KHSAA State Football Champions
1959 Football State Champions Reunion
1959-60 Henderson City High School Basketball
1959-60 Henderson City High School Basketball Queen
1959-60 Henderson City High School Homecoming Queen
1959-60 Henderson City High Cheerleaders
1960-61 Henderson City High School Basketball
1960-61 Henderson City High School Football
1960-61 Henderson City High Cheerleaders
1960-61 Henderson City High Basketball Queen
1960-61 Henderson City High Homecoming Queen
Link to Class of 1963
City High Class Presidents, 1956-1963
All Henderson High Schools Basketball Scoring records
All-State-Regional-District-Honors from 1953 to 1957
All-State, All-American High School Basketball teams 1955-56
All-Time Kentucky High School Scorers
National High School 100 point games
Barret basketball 1954-55
Barret basketball Scores-game by game 1954-55
Barret baseball 1955
1954-55 Barret Manual High School Cheerleaders
William Spoehr & the 1916 Barret Basketball champions
Closed Henderson Schools & Kentucky School Consolidations
Photos of old Henderson Schools
Barret High & City High Fight Songs
100 points records and Mr. Kentucky basketball winners
"King" Kelly Coleman and the Wayland Wasps
Kentucky State Basketball Tournament Records
Link to 1957, 6th Grade Jefferson Elementary
Lex's pick of best of Kentucky Athletes/Entertainers
All-time Barret/Henderson City High Basketball Team
Contacts with Classmates
Links to other web-sites

Henderson County Kentucky Schools


Jefferson Elementary School, 1922-1963
(photo courtesy of Mike Mulligan, HHS-1974)


Alves Street Elementary School, 1935-1963


Audubon Elementary School, 1935-1968
(photo courtesy of Jeanne Bullard Brodsky, HHS-1963)


Seventh Street Grade School-1928-1968


Cairo High School, 1928-1939


Barret Manual Training High School, 1910-1955,
Barret Junior High School, 1955-1959 


Center Street Elementary School, 1876-1909 


Henderson City High School, 1956-1976 
Architectural drawing, & Architectural concept


Corydon High School, 1927-1954


Henderson County High School, 1954-1976  


Douglass High School, 1922-1965


Hebbardsville High School, 1928-1953


Holy Name Elementary School


Holy Name High School, 1938-1963


Niagara High School, 1928-1954


The original Henderson High School, 1874-1909, 
Central Elementary & Junior High School, 1910-1969 


Spottsville High School, 1928-1954


Robards High School


Smith Mills High School


Weaverton High School, 1928-1954

Dixie High School, 1928-1935
photo not available

This web-site is dedicated to the Barret Manual &
Henderson City High Sports teams from 1954-1963.
Especially the Henderson City High 1955-56 sports teams
that had so many great gifted student/athletes.  

Property of
©, TM, ®, 2008, 2009, 2010  

The contents of this web site are intended to be used

only for the educational  value and entertainment enjoyment.

An alumni of Henderson City High School stated to me:

"Once a Flashman, always a Flashman".  

Truer words have never been spoken.

Many thanks to the people listed below for their contributions.
Jim Adams (HHS '59),
Elaine Benson (HNHS: '59),
Pascal Benson (HHS '56) 
Don Gish (BMTHS '55),
Glenda Alexander Guess (HHS '57),
Shirley Hagan (HHS '56),
Billy Haynes (HHS '59),
Sonda Keach Nolan (HHS '56),
Dr. Fred Schuette (HHS '56),
Sammy Joe Shelton (HHS '56),
Bud Bayard Walters (HHS '59),
Coach T. L. Plain


all artwork/photos are the property of SAR2 CREATIONS of Nevada,

©, TM, ®, 2007, 2008, 2009. 2010,

Please contact webmaster for any use of artwork or photographs.

All photographs used are public-domain,

there are no violations of copyright laws

or Hippa Laws of Privacy.

Shelby A. (Lex) Riggs II

Please note that all photographs were sent in by former students of Henderson City High School. They have all been edited, corrected & cleaned up as well as they possibly could. If you are displeased with a photo, simply scan the photo that you want replaced and I will be more than happy to replace it.
Thanks for your support,
Lex Riggs, webmaster
